Many organizations have produced research- and evidence-based guidelines to
assist people making decisions about cesarean section and vaginal birth after
cesarean section. In addition to talking to your midwife, you may find the
following sites helpful.
Canadian Association of Midwives (CAM)
CAM has a position paper on Cesarean section on demand.
The Cochrane Database
It’s hard for anyone to keep up to date with the relevant evidence in their field of
interest. The Cochrane Library solves many of these problems. It is the best
single source of reliable evidence about the effects of health care.
Cochrane reviews are based on the best available information about
healthcare interventions. They explore the evidence for and against the
effectiveness and appropriateness of treatments.
Planned elective repeat cesarean section versus planned vaginal birth for
women with a previous cesarean birth:
The Cochrane Reviews abstract on Planned Caesearan Section for Term Breech
Planned caesarean section term breech delivery