The midwives at Access Midwifery are very experienced in assisting women to deliver their babies both at home and in hospital. We know that women deliver best where they feel most comfortable and supported. We also know that for healthy pregnancies, planned home birth with trained care providers is as safe as hospital birth.

We support your decision regarding choice of birthplace, within the context of safety. Prenatally, we share the evidence-based research relating to home and hospital birth. We discuss the components of midwifery care that enhance your safety and the safety of your baby.

The majority of births that are planned at home are completed at home. For those that do not complete at home, the most common reason for moving into hospital is for pain relief.

For a list of birth supplies, click here. (PDF)

To review the Place of Birth Handbook prepared by the College of Midwives of British Columbia, click here. (PDF)